Sunday, September 22, 2013

Christian Murillo
English 495
Professor Wexler
September 22, 2013
Death and Glory
            There are two lines from A.E. Housman’s cross-rhythm, quatrain poem, “To an Athlete Dying Young” that have always haunted me: “Runner whom renown outran, and the name died before the man” (Smith, 75). These two lines indicate such an awful and melancholy induced state of existence; to push and condition your body beyond the limits of its capabilities to still be outrun by fame and then to watch your name crumple and crumble into dust before your body is ready to give up must be every athletes nightmare. As such, I have always viewed this poem as a lament for all those nameless, faceless runners whose names never endured time; however, after reading Robert Browne’s “Funeral Orator” and E. Christian Kopff’s “Conservatism and Creativity,” I am now rescinded to agree that the poem itself is not meant to be taken as sorrowful but rather as joyous. This is theory is thus demonstrated by two distinct, motivating factors; Browne argues that as Housman purposefully praises the athlete’s death by regarding his choices as “smart,” Housman is therefore indicated that there is pride and glory in an early death. This theory of a glorious death is also indicated and upheld by Kopff’s work which provides us with specific quotes from Housman’s life that affirm his conception of a meaningful end. As such, rather than simply assuming that his poem is a reflection on the melancholy nature of death, it is therefore with regard to Housman’s text and life that we will see that although this poem is about dying, it is anything but a death that is to be mourned, instead it is about a death that should be praised and sung to the heavens; a very welcome death that took the athlete before time could find and diminish his name; this poem is ultimately about a death draped not in the mortician’s cloth but covered under the very fabric of glory.           
            Robert Browne’s “Funeral Orator” imagines this piece not as a poem but as a eulogy to be read over the athlete’s grave as a group of mourners lament his loss (Browne, 134). This is better understood when considering that the first two stanzas are written in narrative form, “The time you won your town the race, We chaired you through the market-place; Man and boy stood cheering by…” (Smith, 75) which is also evocative of the Oral Tradition (in terms of telling stories). However, this piece has a “…specific purpose, to persuade him [the athlete] that he is better off dead” (Browne, 134). This is done in part through metaphor, indicated by the phrase “…the road all runners run” which means life and death, or as Housman uses it, as a similarity between running and dying (Browne, 135) because after all, no matter how fast we run, we will all reach the “finish line” one day. Now, the glory and praise aspect of Housman begins with the words “Smart Lad” (Smith, 75). As Browne argues, the athlete is a smart lad because he demonstrates a “cleverness in dying early and avoiding the disadvantages of living too long” (Browne, 136). This is further cemented by the symbols of the rose and the laurel so frequently referenced in the work; the rose and laurel are both known to be beautiful but doomed to live short lives. However, Housman is very blatantly equating the rose and the laurel to the athlete; although both the rose and the athlete died quickly, they lived beautiful lives so their death isn’t so much a loss as it is a triumph. And there in turn he (the athlete) avoids the implicated sorrow of the line “And the name died before the man” because as Browne states, an early death “…offers an incentive to step over the threshold. He will be surrounded by admirers as he was in the first scene; and his laurels…will be forever unwithered” (Browne, 137); unwithered because his record was never tarnished, nor was his name diminished in his lifetime. He died a champion and the mourners will not be left mourning a life wasted but a life of unfulfilled potential ended.
            Browne makes a lot of statements with regards to the nature of the poem itself; however, his claims are further validated by E. Christian Kopff’s piece, “Conservatism and Creativity.” Whereas Browne focused solely on Housman’s work as a guideline, Kopff focused on the man to find reason behind the text. “[The] enduring theme of Housman’s poetry and scholarly prose, is that there is an objective world, which must be lived in despite the fact that it does not answer to human desires, may give a clue to the unity of his life’s work” (Kopff, 231). It can thus be argued that a characteristic human desire is accomplishment or success and as such, the world cannot bend privy the desire of athletes in that eventually, someone will come along and shatter all that you have created through years of training, in a matter of seconds. Therefore, it stands to reason why Housman would praise an athlete dying young; “If a man…after his death, is still remembered [as] a great man, there is a presumption in his favor which no living man can claim” (Kopff, 232). That sentence was taken from Housman’s 1911 Cambridge Inaugural in which is also stated about the “…lack of due veneration towards the dead” (Kopff, 232). Both of these lines therefore validate the central argument presented here; the “due veneration” is addressed in the praise bestowed upon the young athlete’s “choice” to die young, and the “presumption” is that although the athlete’s record may one day be broken, it was not broken in his lifetime and as such, he died before his name which as stated by Housman, is something no one can ever take from him.
            “To an Athlete Dying Young” is therefore not so much melancholy as it is celebration. We, as readers are among the mourners and although our society now tends to lament and to treat the death of one so young (and so successful) as a great loss, Housman would argue otherwise. Housman felt that the “pleasure of the moment is the sole motive for human action” (Kopff, 236) and whether we are racing, or writing or building, ultimately we all derive pleasure from the very moments that life gives us; and while none of us may be willing to concede to the tomb just yet, Housman reflects on the sentiment that death isn’t necessarily an unhappy ending but rather a celebration of a life lived in the pleasure of the moment; a moment that is now enduring beyond our lifetime.

Works Cited
Browne, Robert M. "The Shropshire Lad as Funeral Orator." Quarterly Journal of Speech, 57.2 (1971): 134-139. Electronic.
Kopff, E Christian. "Conservatism and Creativity in A.E. Housman." Modern Age, 47.3 (2005): 229. Electronic.
Smith, Phillip. 100 Best Loved Poems. New York. Dover. 1995. Print.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Interpreting the lyrics of “The Reeling” by Passion Pit.

 “The Reeling” by Passion is on first listen, a fast, up-beat whirlwind cascade of sound and melody. The singers voice is haunting but tends to draw you in rather than push you away and before you know it, you’re listening to this song on repeat because it’s doing what all good music does, it simply becomes as essential but as natural as breathing.
Despite this gush of emotion, I have never displayed more than a casual observation for the lyrics; while I understood most of them on an audio level, I usually found myself mumbling along when parts of the song became unidentifiable. However, the lyrics that always caught my attention (to say that I understood them) were, “Is the way my life got to be?” and the chorus of “look at me oh look at me is this the way i'll always be oh no, oh no now i pray that somebody will quickly come and kidnap me oh no, oh no everyday i lie awake and pray to god today's the day oh no, oh no here i am oh here i am oh when will someone understand? oh no, oh no.” Now to me, based on these the lyrics and the tempo, I always felt that this was a positive song that was reflecting on change, albeit change at the final possible moment before everything falls apart. To me, given that base of understanding, the title “The Reeling,” began to make more sense; you are reeling yourself away from the life you lived before, much like a fish is pulled away from the ocean. And in following with this train of thought, the ocean could be the murky world we all surround ourselves in our daily lives; as filled to life as it is, it can be barren, it can be dangerous and it can be hopeless. The “reeling” thus is the break from water to surface, or fogginess of the mind to clarity in understanding just how bad your life has become.

From reviewing the lyrics, this interpretation is also reaffirmed to me by the lines, “and all at once i feel this, oh how it clings to me it reels and calls me towards it, confounding destiny;” the word “confounding” is interesting here because confounding means to act against expectations, which in this sense makes sense because you are reeling yourself away from a destiny that did not end in your expectations.  “i pray that somebody will quickly come and kidnap me” indicates the swiftest way to change course; that someone will come and kidnap me from this life of mine which of course plays back to the title “The Reeling.” 

As for an analytical interpretation, the song lyrics themselves are comprised of alliteration, “pray to god today's the...” and end-rhyme: “me, harmony, be, obscenity, destiny, opportunity” and of course, metaphor in that “The Reeling” can stand for a number of meanings, notably for this song, a pulling towards a destiny that one is not willing to follow.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

I am not a teacher so I cannot write this from a perspective of an educator; as a student however, I definitely think Media Technology is important tool for today's lessons, and I strongly believe that it will eventually become an integral part of teaching.

I saw this because Media Technology is the future and as teachers, it is their job to provide students with the knowledge, if not the experience, to prepare for them for that road. I also think (from the experience with my online classes), it makes things a lot easier.

I can see how it would be time consuming to prepare and set up everything; I can also see how it could be distracting but at the same time, almost everything we do now is wrapped up between tablets, computers, cell phones and internet. Ultimately, when done properly, I think Media Technology is a powerful tool for teaching.
Introductory Post:
My name is Christian Murillo and I am 29 years old. I will be graduating next year as a Double Major in Creative Writing and Literature. I am most looking forward to enjoying books again after this is all said and done! I am starting this blog because it is a class assignment, but I am looking forward to getting in more writing time; additionally, I may also post stories/writing from my other classes; I also love feedback so if you're here and read something you love, let me know! :)